Monday, April 8, 2019

NEW IFAC, AAT Accounting Technician Framework identifies the necessary skill

IFAC and the AAT have developed a framework that will support a competent, skilled and future-ready accounting technician workforce.

Accounting technicians play an important role in many jurisdictions, with accounting technician qualifications often leading into careers in the accountancy profession. 

IFAC and the AAT have developed a framework for professional accountancy organizations to support a competent, skilled and future-ready accounting technician workforce. The Framework’s illustrative example can be used as a resource for professional accountancy organizations creating an Accounting Technician designation.

“Prepared by the AAT, and based on the association’s competency framework, An Illustrative Competency Framework for Accounting Technicians is a conversation starter,” explained Joseph Bryson, Head of Quality & Development at IFAC. “IFAC hopes that every professional accountancy organization with an interest in the accounting technician qualification shares their experiences and helps to grow this important segment of the global accountancy ecosystem.”

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